GetInChat changelog
We post info about GetInChat improvements and updates here. To see latest updates order comments by Newest first. Follow or vote for this topic to stay in touch.

We have added detailed instruction how to setup GetInChat on Magento

We have added WordPress integration with GetInChat
Plugin URL https://wordpress.org/plugins/getinchat/

We have added agents activity monitoring feature. So now it's possible see agent online status and amount of completed chats for the last 24 hours on the dashboard.

+Added ability to create canned responses.
+Improved notifications for the pending chats, now sound signal will persist until chat will be accepted.
+Added channels support, now you can create channels and assign agents to it.

Agent client now has user information panel with helpful information about user like (location,url, number of page views etc.)

Now it’s possible to completely customize widget settings from website, without modifying code on your website.

+Now, when agent account used to sign in from another place, agent will get corresponding notification.
Customer support service by UserEcho